Saw Li Jinn n Ming Yii there..
Sat at Pn Chan's place until she came back..
Hmm.. I said.. "Teacher u come bac ady arh.. Good.. Bye bye.."
Teacher replied.. "Hah.. I knw wat kind of ppl are u ady.."
LOL.. I actually I went n help A class since teacher is back mah.. =.=
Blablabla.. Wysee sat at B class.. Blablabla..
Someone came Wysee help me to do..
Blablabla.. Yat Kuan n Tze Jing came..
They took B class.. Blablabla..
We studied Form 2 chinese..
Pn Khasniyati came n ask how was my dinner last night..
I said not nice.. No cake oso lar teacher..
Pn Khas said hah? No cake oso arh.. Y arh?
I answered.. Coz I misbehaved.. LOL..
Bored for the whole day..
Then we masuk bengkel poli..
Blablabla.. I caught smarty n buddy SS!! Haha..
They wanted eat sweet.. ==
Me n Li Jinn went n buy.. Haha..
Fruit plus.. Not bad huh the sweet..
Blablabla.. Everyone masuk the bengkel kayu..
Wysee talked to Ming Yii..
May Yean, Me, Smarty n Buddy sat on a table..
Blablabla.. Then May Yean came up wit this topic..
May Yean: Why u all like Nicholas Teo arh?
Tze Jing: Ya lar..
Me: Coz of his voice lar..
May Yean: U oso dun like him?
Tze Jing: Yep..
* Yat Kuan resting..
Me: Hoi! Help lar.. Debate starting ady lar..
May Yean: If u like Nic Teo.. Name me the songs u like..
Yat Kuan: All songs oso I like..
May Yean: Name me one famous song then..
Yat Kuan: All songs oso famous..
May Yean: Famous then why I dunno one..
Tze Jing: Yea lar..
Me: Coz u lame mah.. U dun listen to radio so u dunno lor.. Do u knw now got Nicholas Teo FM ady?
May Yean: Huh? U two created it arh?
Me: Yep..
May Yean: When does it exist? Whats the frequency?
Me: Err..
Yat Kuan: Recently only..
Tze Jing: 000.8 arh?
LOL.. End of conver 1...
I start conver 2..
Me: When does skool reopens arh? 4th rite?
May Yean: 3rd lar..
Yat Kuan: 3rd lar..
Me: I thought 4th.. Wait I check my phone.. 4th lar.. 3rd is Sunday..
May Yean: Oh haha.. We said 3rd coz wanna be against u.. haha..
Conver 3..
May Yean: I dream of u n Bosco dey all lar..
Me: Good..
May Yean: U lar.. Put so many pics of them in ur blog..
Me: Nice mah.. I like them mah.. Nice rite? > to tze jing.. Nice rite? > to yat kuan..
Tze Jing: Nope..
Yat Kuan: Nice..
Me: See.. Got ppl support me..
Yat Kuan: I mean not nice..
Then Ti Wai the cute boy.. Name from Nisa n Shasha..
Ask me in chinese.. 'Xie shen meh?" Write wat arh?
I replied n chinese.. "Xie ni de ming zi.." Write ur name..
Blablbal.. He finish writing.. He ask Wysee do wat..
Wysee said.. Go back home..
I came.. He said.. No nid take report card arh? No nid to buy books arh?
I answered.. U wanna take the report card oso can.. Dun wan take oso can.. Go buy ur books lar..
He said.. Yay! No nid to kena rotan first.. =.=
Cool.. My chinese not bad lar..
12 pm.. Go home lor.. LOL..
Till then..
P/s: I said hi teacher to Pn Khasniyati.. Then I said bye.. She said haha.. Hi bye..
Pp/s: Nah May Yean.. No pic for the post lor.. T.T
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